Tableau Consultant makes it easy for people to rapidly transform data into smart business analytics. What data? Any data of any size, format & subject. Tableau simplifies the way data is explored & communicated. It’s a new kind of business intelligence software – rapid-fire business intelligence.
We’ve done years of research to build business analytics software that supports people’s natural ability to think visually. Shift fluidly between interactive views, graphs & reports, following your natural train of thought. You’re not stuck in wizards, bogged down writing scripts or waiting for IT to develop a report. With the help of Tableau developer, you quickly create useful data visualizations, reports & dashboards. And then in a click, you share them across your organization.
All the things you wished you could do with business intelligence team at Bilytica —work with huge data live or in-memory, mash up data sources, visualize data in multiple ways, build dashboards, create interactive data applications—are not only possible in Tableau but are also quick work. Cindy Sedlacek, Director at Cornell University, said “We do 10 times the analysis in half the time, with half the staff.” The ROI gains are astounding.
Playdom, Wells Fargo, Zynga, eBay, & thousands more companies use Tableau Software’s rapid-fire business intelligence to do fast, ad hoc analysis on any data. From web analytics to labor productivity, it’s the way thousands of companies go from frustration to insight.