Pharma Analytics

Today’s pharmaceutical enterprises are large and complex with a critical need for data and information. Data crosses the enterprise in the form of regulatory compliance requirements, test data, drug contraindications, side effects, clinical trials, doctor and patient information, research and development and more. To make this data meaningful and usable, it must be incorporated with information from all other enterprise systems and reported in a way that will support business choices and make it simple for the business client to rapidly break down issues and stay side by side of the most recent development and issues.

Developing a pharmaceutical product for sale involves skills and knowledge management as well as human resource allocation. Testing data requires data analysis and communication in several languages and across multiple enterprise systems and platforms and may also cross cultural and geographical boundaries. Once a drug or pharmaceutical product has been tested, the enterprise must take approval from regulatory agencies and work inside strict parameters with a slight margin for error.

  • Product planning and pricing analysis are simplified.
  • Accurate, up-to-date financial analysis are ensured.
  • Operational analysis are ensured to optimise operations, resources and funding as well as reduce costs.
  • Scalability is provided to handle complex and large data elements in various data schemes spread over a wide geographic distribution for trend analysis and risk recognition.
  • Monitors, analyses and provides Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on sales by region, distributor, sales representative or product, using intuitive business intelligence reports and personalised BI dashboards.
  • Detailed business intelligence reporting is offered for regulatory compliance along with an overview of market scenarios allowing users to accurately forecast and predict trends and results.
  • A 360° view of regulation, product testing and approval, services, regions, sales, marketing, customer profiles, products and other information is provided.
  • All aspects of organisation performance is assessed, e.g., profit, customer satisfaction, flexibility, transformation, growth and income.

Drug Discovery

As high-throughput screening becomes increasingly crucial to efficient drug discovery, your team needs a tool to see and understand the results of an assay. By visualizing the data, your team can identify and explore HTS hits immediately.

our built dashboards give assay quality control an at-a-glance solution, showing your team the z-primes of each plate and each test run, so they can quickly spot assay qualities below excellent.
This live app demonstrates how one pharmaceutical team uses our solutions to monitor the results of their HTS drug discovery work. First, the team can view the result distribution and plate view, including key metrics. Next, the app walks the user through the process of mapping well index against percent inhibition and identify hits. Finally, the user is prompted to review z-primes to confirm assay quality.

Physician Marketing

The new pharmaceutical organization has marketing at its core, and there’s a heightened strategic need to understand the entire commercial funnel. Physician marketing strategies are a crucial factor, and, with so many disparate sources of data, it can be difficult to see the whole picture and understand where you’re over- and under-invested.
With Bilytica analytics, you can combine disparate data sources easily, pulling together information about physicians, prescriptions, sales, physician marketing strategies, geography and more to create a clear picture of what’s working best.

This example blends a data set with physician prescription data with a data set about pharma marketing campaigns for a company with multiple product lines. You can easily see which types of pharma marketing campaigns each product line has launched in the past month and compare that data to when these doctors have written prescriptions, so you can see broad trends. The detailed information along the bottom lists each physician interaction, by campaign, and whether or not it was considered a success. You can use this part of the visualization to better understand physician-specific trends within the larger pharma marketing campaign strategies.

Pharma Industry Analysis

Perform what-if analyses on real-time data at lightning speed.
As new pharma markets emerge and expand, it’s crucial that you make informed decisions about where to invest your capital and resources. Our analytics solution allows all your business users to do on-the-fly analyses of pharma market growth, leveraging the most current sales and market data, and make business decisions quickly based on how well projections compare to goals.
In this example, a pharma company has empowered its employees to do what-if modeling based on projected growth of animal, human OTC and human Rx markets. Move the growth indicators on the upper-left side to see how different growth rates combine with historical performance to predict revenue, profit and demand across these segments.

Global Pharma Analysis

The world of pharma keeps getting bigger. There are many ways to diversify your portfolio of R&D, sales and marketing efforts. You need to know which products and services your market wants, and when and where they want them.
Should you increase your marketing spend in India? Or create new R&D resources for animal health? Is it important to offer additional training for your consumer healthcare programs in Ohio? How does your website impact physician behavior in Fort Lauderdale?
Understanding hyper-local supply, demand and growth patterns allows you to allocate resources efficiently – and to identify the emerging markets that make the most sense for your company, product, sales team and marketing funnel.
This visualization tracks the isolation of new H1N1 protein sequences across the globe during the 2009 pandemic. The top pane of the visualization allows users to see at a glance where sequences were isolated worldwide. The panes across the bottom help a user understand the timeline and detailed regional data, and even to drill down to specific accession numbers.
Select a particular region or country on the world map to see the timeline and regional data for your selection.

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