Customer Analytics

Unified View of Customer Analytics

For a more profitable relationships one must answer support calls through up-selling products and gather data from every customer touch point. Bilytica gives a 360° view of customer which provides you the ability to gain a complete analysis of every customer, providing various company functions with insight on how to significantly improve the customer experience at each interaction.

Business Challenges

  • Organizational silos can lead to a fragmented view of the customer and an inaccurate understanding of their needs and frustrations.
  • Marketing, support, sales and product managers often avoid sharing their data across the organization due to the cultural barriers.
  • Valuable customer data is hidden in online web logs, clickstreams, social media postings and external data sources

Promise of Big Data for Customer Analytics

  • Every relevant data point, including web logs, social media data, external data sources, mobile device information and online behaviour, are recorded and analysed.
  • By cross-analysing online and transactional data one can identify how likely a customer is to buy the product.
  • By leveraging demographic, geo-location and promotional data you can learn about your customer preferences in terms of products and offers.

Track customer behavior across products and situations.

  • By conducting market-basket simulations and analysing geo-tagging data you can drive product placements and promotions.
  • By correlating product purchases with psychographic, demographic and geo-location data you can easily maximize revenues and minimize losses.
  • By correlating weather, major events, potential natural disasters and social media postings, with product purchases one can understand the impact of external factors on future behaviour.

Build more profitable relationships with smart targeting.

  • Micro-segment customers by desirable psychographics, purchases, demographics and other behaviours.
  • Most valuable customers are identified based on information such as online, purchase, demographics and in-store.
  • Customers which are most likely to return are targeted and purchase to maximize up-selling, cross-selling and promotion opportunities.

Technical resources.

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Best practices for adopting secure, governed self-service analytics

Find out how Bilytica advanced analytics allows business users and IT to transform the way they used to see their valuable information.

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