Erpisto eases the building and management of employee schedules on management console
You can start the management of employee schedules with Erpisto POS systems immediately. Employees can accept and deny the schedules directly from the mobile device. Multifunctional management system allows the users to create and modify the schedules for each employee which helps in looking up shifts and overtime payout with the projected hours.

Main Benefits of Erpisto employee scheduling

Ease of Setup

Erpisto allows you to set up dates and times to select the specific role permissions. Users can perform scheduling of multiple time slots in one day for all the employees working in various shifts.

Time Slots Identification

Employee scheduling time slots can be easily identified by color coded areas for an easy reference where color variances depict double and overtime.

Schedule Email Option

Employee schedules can be emailed to respective persons easily. Managers have an option to confirm the schedules on back end on their acceptance by employee.

Timesheet rules modification

You can easily customize the employee hours and can change the timesheets accordingly.

Make toggling possible between the shift, wage and hours views

You can make toggling possible between various views through the selection of the respective buttons. Erpisto allows you to make shift easily between the worked hours and the wages.

Copy shifts to different weeks

Erpisto gives you an opportunity to copy the shifts of one week into another easily.