Erpisto offers a specialized mobile version of Erpisto Executive for School Directors and Principals. It provides executives with an opportunity to get connected with daily reports of their educational institutes by having complete information in their hand on just a single click. Erpisto Executive enables the executives obtain business intelligence & analytical reports against various campuses on their smarts phones from anywhere remotely.
Erpisto education management system for mobile give the access for obtaining the details for:

  • Complete Student Analytics
  • Campus Management Reports
  • Admission Analytics
  • Staff Analytics
  • Student’s attendance and detailed reports
  • Fee terms Reports
  • Fee collection and generated revenue reports
  • Generated reports Vs Expected Fee
  • Outstanding Fee Graph

Erpisto Executive always keep the executives informed about their institute’s financial and educational condition and provide updates on daily basis. Executives will be easily connected and they can acquire accurate and instant information in few clicks. Erpisto serves as a handy gadget which helps to take strategic decisions on real grounds.