Erpisto Cloud CRM- Specialized Solution For Innovative Businesses

Erpisto Cloud CRM connects the next generation of apps, customers and devices which provides an instant connection to your accounts, leads, contacts and other relevant business information. Companies want to close the deals quicker and Erpisto Cloud CRM lets you do that wherever you are and whenever you want on any device of your choice. Erpisto Cloud CRM lets you sell faster and better than before.

Erpisto Cloud Features Lets You Bring Your CRM To The Future

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Erpisto CRM Cloud with Mobility Solutions

Erpisto CRM Mobile turns your mobile devices in to a portable sales office. You have the ability to log calls, Respond to leads, check dashboards and work all the opportunities wherever you are. It also makes it easy to perform effective collaboration across team from anywhere.[/one_half] [one_half last=”yes”]

Contact Management

Erpisto CRM Cloud lets you bring social intelligence to your sales and marketing processes. You can gain all the insights from popular sites like Facebook, Twitter to increase the productivity.[/one_half] [separator style_type=”” top_margin=”15″ bottom_margin=”” sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””] [separator top=”0″ bottom=”0″ style=””] [one_half last=”no”]

Opportunity Management

Erpisto CRM Cloud provides all the details of team deals including stage, products, quotes and competition. You will be able to see from where the leads come and stay up to date and connected with the people and information which you need to close any deal.[/one_half] [one_half last=”yes”]

Cloud CRM Analytics

Smarter decisions can only be made when you have the right insights and dashboards offer real time picture of your business at a glance. Complete drill down view of real time reports can be created and you can use enterprise analytics to get reports on sales, custom apps, and service.[/one_half] [separator style_type=”” top_margin=”15″ bottom_margin=”” sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””] [separator top=”0″ bottom=”0″ style=””] [one_half last=”no”]

Marketing And Leads

You can optimize all the campaigns from lead to close on each channel. This will let you make the smart decisions about your investment and see the impact of your marketing activities on bottom line of the company.[/one_half] [one_half last=”yes”]

Customized Console For Sales

Erpisto CRM Customized console for sales provide best experience which let them work faster and smarter. Sales reps will be able to see the company detailed info, sales intelligence and multiple leads on single screen and they can easily build pipeline and grow deals faster and easier.[/one_half]

Erpisto Cloud CRM Benefits

[checklist icon=”fa-star-o” circle=”no” size=”small” class=”” id=””] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]You can get contacts and company profiles from different data sources to connect with the key decision makers.[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]You will be able to create, deploy and manage online campaigns to increase revenue[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Sales Marketing teams work together to generate and qualify leads, short sales cycle and focus on marketing accountability[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]You can set metrics based goals and give the coaching notes which offer continuous feedback within the sales cloud[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Stay productive by using the email application you already know.[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Real time view of your team forecasts and custom forecast categories.[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]You can manage flexible workflows and approvals processes for deal discounts and expenses.[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Sales representatives can interact with the business from anywhere and any time through their mobile devices which boosts sales productivity.[/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Tracking of growth targets with real time dashboards. [/li_item] [li_item icon=”” iconcolor=”” circle=”yes” circlecolor=””]Single and shared customer profile to get up to date contact information regarding service and marketing. [/li_item][/checklist]


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