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In business worlds, how much you are investing can never impress your clients and other competent in the market but your productivity. Increasing productivity means getting more and more customer and this is strong threat for the other people in the market related to same type of business. So what is the scale which can help you to measure rate between the investments and returns?
Business intelligence works on these rules, the techniques and services of BI are to relate the productivity with investments, they help to make a decision that gives more and more returns for fewer investments. Successful BI technology ends with the incline in the productivity.
What thing in the BI helping us to produces desire results? It is Business intelligence matrices. Matrix is used to compare data from different aspects. Murices are helpful in many ways ,it is easy to get caught up with measuring things, it also focus so much on the defects quantification that you may forget and quantification of the effects.
In big data analytics these matrices are really helpful .The calculations by these matrices are directly related to the productivity of your organization. If the calculations are error free then the results are the incline in the productivity.
Results from these matrices are fed in to the different Big data analytical tools in Macedonia and software for further processing. Data warehousing Solutions in Macedonia and data mining are giving input to the matrices and the data visualization software like BI dashboards in Macedonia are using the results of these matrices. So , the efficiency of the results from the Big data analytical tools depend upon the efficiency of the matrices calculations. And finally the results from these can be used to make decision about the organization which affects the returns and productivity of the business.
Bilytica is the leading brand in the Macedonia for business intelligence consultancy. It is providing BI software with excellent logic, matrices and formulas to calculate the data in an effective way. The productivity rate can be increase by using the Bilytica’s effective and efficient BI techniques.