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A business intelligence dashboard is a data visualization tool that shows the current status of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for an enterprise in short display big data in accurate way. Dashboards amalgamate and arrange numbers, metrics and sometimes performance scorecards on a single screen. They may be personalised for a specific role and display data targeted for a single point of view. The vital features of a BI reporting dashboard in Lebanon is a customizable user interface and the capability to appeal real-time data from multiple
Among the other Oracle and Microsoft are vendors of business intelligence reporting dashboards. BI dashboards can also be generated using other business applications, such as Excel. Business intelligence consultancy services provide data to display on dashboard for reporting and comparing the difference between investments and returns.
The Business Intelligence Solutions in Lebanon is often confused with the performance scorecard. The key difference between the two, conventionally, is that a business intelligence dashboard, like the dashboard of a car, shows the status at a definite point in time. A scorecard, on the other case, displays progress over time towards specific objectives. Some commercial dashboard products also include the aptitude to track development towards a goal.
Business Intelligence services in Lebanon have been serving organizations to improve performance by providing improved insights, better decisions making and fast actions. Organizations are preferring to use techniques like BI reporting dashboards and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) along with their business intelligence services to gain improved insights, attain organizational alignment and improved performance.
In order to make your business align and effective business decision, you need to capture real time data and information in the form of Business intelligence.BI reporting dashboard are necessary for effective planning and financial reporting . It may help you to estimate the results and accomplish trends so that you can gain a better understanding how is going your company’s budget is effecting your overall financial situation and productivity.
It can help you to create better business planes, goals and objective. It is effective way to get idea of the key performance indicator to align business in such a way that business can grow rapidly.BI dashboards are important because they are highly visual tools with single screen so that viewer can grasp the info rapidly and It effectively reduce the amount of time it require to make business decisions and hence can help to align business and improve productivity.
It can save Time and cost. We all aware of it that time is money, and in the business world, saving time directly measured into money saved. Big Data Analytics Solutions in Lebanon create vital reports for you so you have time to discourse your findings with key business leaders and make precarious decisions.