Bilytica Securities and Investment Analysis recognizes regions for cost investment funds. It responds quickly to regulatory inquiries as well as evaluate performance and analyses all trade activities. It completely understand exposures to counterparties and assets. And it not only streamlines operations but it also trade lifecycles. Phenomenal business sector turmoil requires securities and investment firms to constantly adjust to a frequently changing regulatory and competitive landscape. Uneconomical costs must be eliminated while risk exposures are managed and client relationships are strengthened. Firms are most likely to succeed if they can quickly analyse and can adapt to market fluctuations and macroeconomics conditions.
Bilytica Securities and Investment Analysis lets you inspect the daily trading details of publically traded technology stocks, 10 to 100 times faster than you can with spreadsheets or statistics packages. Filters are provided which can be adjusted as per your needs and requirements to examine a specific industry or change the date range. Bilytica Securities and Investment Analysis allows you to construct information portals without heavy development. Dashboards are provided with filters which import information for major investment clients in order to determine and evaluate portfolio risks. These dashboards can be used as a stand-alone system and can also be embedded in a broader customer portal initiative. Portfolio planning is also an added feature of Bilytica Securities and Investment Analysis which lets clients discover revenue growth for publicly traded software companies.
- Understand trading dynamics of bonds, funds and equities.
- Audit market spreads, costs, trading behaviour and order execution.
- Build guided analysis flows for portfolio management.
- Manage expenses and identify cost reduction opportunities.
- Maximize profitability and effectiveness of trading.
- Portfolio and multi-asset class investment performance are analysed.
- Improve understanding of credit risk, intra-day liquidity and market risk.
- Streamline operations and optimize trade-life-cycles.
- Customer portals are built for investment performance.