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Government data is complex and huge – so are the challenges confronting those who work with it. Bilytica’ intelligence, integration, and integrity solutions provide state, federal and local public sector organizations with the ability to access any data, transform it into valuable, real-time actionable information, and quickly deliver it to those who need to make decisions (analysts, partners, citizens and managers) anytime, anywhere, for any number of users. It is designed to meet the challenges of current and future work requirements along with better management of programs, assets, operations and budgets. With tools to make better and smarter decisions, our government customers conduct their business more efficiently and productively –with transparency. Governments and public-private organizations are utilizing our solutions for:

  • Precise financial, program and logistics management is enabled.
  • Anomalies are detected and resolved.
  • Confidentiality and information security is ensured along with resolving issues quickly with full insight into the root cause of the problem.
  • Hands-on, up-to-date intelligence and homeland security is also enabled.
  • Campaigns are established and monitored to ensure success.
  • Plans are cascaded and monitored at strategic, operational and tactical level.
  • A close relationship between government agencies and/or public sectors and citizens, voters and taxpayers is ensured.
  • Provide a 360° view of regions, communities, laws, legislation, court systems, law enforcement, community infrastructure, programs and services.
  • Access is given to citizens along with providing information about the events, status of funds, programs, obligations, voter registration, small business information, legislation, motor vehicle information, payments, budgets and commitments.
  • Investments in existing resources and infrastructure is leveraged by integrating data from existing sources.
  • Potential frauds and risks are detected and regulatory compliance is monitored.
  • Provides intuitive, personalised tools and business intelligence that is relevant to their jobs profiles to strengthen controls and fine tune operations.
  • Enormous countrywide datasets are available and drill down to local areas is also allowed.
  • Online access to public data is provided without programming.
  • Use built-in mapping capability to visualize services, accidents, pollution, parks and more.
  • Without any development cost, it helps you in achieving the functionality of online flash visualizations.

Big Data Analysis

It is not uncommon to see government databases over a billion rows. That volume of data would take casual Excel user days to wade through, much less understand or share. In many cases it would be altogether impossible.
Bilytica solution takes the tedium out of government data by providing an easy-to-use drag and drop interface that anyone can master. A local data store optimized for analytics, lets you work with tens or hundreds of millions of records at interactive speed.

This visualization was made from a million-row national health database in less than an hour. It allows users to get a detailed view of the nationwide obesity epidemic and the factors that influence it. You can drill down to your own state. Select Washington using the drop down filter on the top right and notice that some counties in the southwest corner of the state are tinged deeply red. Click on the darkest of those dots (Pacific County).
The scatter plots below the map will show you that this high obesity rate may be related to an extremely high smoking rate and a low level of physical activity county wide. All of this interactivity works to simplify the massive database to a view that anyone can understand.

Transparency Analysis

Making public data accessible to citizens is a struggle for every government organization. Unfortunately, it’s easy to waste precious time and resources on custom systems that fail to deliver.
Luckily, our solution allows even a single person to efficiently visualize and publish data online. And not just as a flat file or as a table, but as a live, interactive visualization. Citizens can explore the analysis and download the underlying data.

The National Recovery and Reinvestment Act is one of the most well-known government initiatives of the past decade. Naturally, citizens are curious about what stimulus money is being spent in their area and why. This application allows users to evaluate the efficiency of the stimulus (calculated as the number of jobs created per dollar spent) by simply selecting a state in the top left view.
More adventurous users can download the underlying dataset using the toolbar below the visualization. Perhaps most importantly, it only took an hour for a single person to create and share. This app could also be quickly modified with more detail for internal government use, allowing administrators to spot inefficiencies and address them before they become a problem.

Public Data – Ease of Access

Data is a critical component of many national conversations, but telling stories with data is not easy. Viewers quickly lose interest in data-intensive stories when not told well, and often struggle to find information that is relevant to them. Flash and other online visualization tools require weeks of programming and are expensive.
With Bilytica Solutions, you can quickly create interesting interactive visualizations that simplify public data into easily digestible and beautiful applications and if needed, a cross-tab or tabular view is only one click away.
This visualization shows the proposed budget for fiscal year 2013. Click on a budget area to see the breakdown. View the second tab sees all the data in table format. Use the arrow over a box icon to export the view in a PDF or other format.

Ease of Sharing

Until now, interactive visualizations have been the domain of nationwide media properties with the budget, time and resources for Flash. Sanjay Bhatt at the Seattle Times does not have any of those things, but with some Department Of Transportation data and Bilytica solutions he made this interactive visualization about biking accidents. The larger dots represent intersections with more biking accidents. Viewers can zoom into their own neighborhood using the tools below the visualization, or select points of interest for comparison.
The ability to easily and cheaply scale from local to global issues is one of the things that distinguishes us from other solutions. As you can imagine, this mapping tool could be used to display any number of relevant city datasets, from parks and services, to crime and traffic.

Ad-Hoc Analysis

Open Government projects are meant to empower advocacy groups and citizens. Unfortunately, most government datasets are so dense and difficult to work with that even a talented data worker is more overloaded than empowered. It’s like having a ream of paper, but no pen. With Bilytica solution, non-profits, journalists and government workers can connect to interesting datasets and start finding stories and solving problems in minutes.
This visualization uses a nationwide public pension fund dataset to expose a massive budget shortfall in nearly every state. Users can interact with the viz by clicking on their state in the map, filtering the list below. Similarly, clicking on an item in the list highlights the state it is associated with. Without our solution, time and data constraints would have otherwise relegated this amazing data to a spreadsheet.

Census Data

State and local governments collect lots of data, and they’re searching for new ways to create visibility into that data for residents and businesses. It’s easy for governments to create beautiful and intuitive ways to explore that data, empowering the everyday user to make informed decisions from state and local government data, employment data, census data, demographic data and more.
Without investing hundreds of expensive analyst and developer man-hours, governments can create transparency in their data, creating app-style tools that encourage exploration of data and answer specific questions.
With this app-style visualization, you can choose two counties in Maine, and compare them across trends in education, income and employment. The colorful charts and graphs created are based on U.S. Census data and data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

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